

Our electronic engineering specialists are continually pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved with the most innovative technologies and often develop brand new approaches and techniques to deliver solutions.

Whether the answer lies in fixed, programmable, flexible or integrated electronics, we have the capabilities to deliver you something truly unique, that will deliver the outcomes you require consistently.


Each and every project begins with a blank canvas and a thorough understanding of all associated project parameters.

We then design a solution that is fit-for-purpose, easily scalable and requires little or no support or maintenance. Solution design is rigorously tested throughout our consideration, conceptual, prototype and development phases, ensuring a bespoke final solution that performs and delivers.


With no constraints on the products and tooling we use in the development of automated electronic solutions, you can be assured that the outcome we deliver will be entirely fit for purpose.

We fabricate our own circuit boards in a state-of-the-art production centre equipped with CNC, mechanical and precision electronic engineering machines.


If you are simply aware of or anticipating a challenge and require an expert opinion or guidance, BDE can assist you.

We consult on potential solutions, uncovering challenges and identifying opportunities to improve capacity, efficiency and productivity. Bringing us in at an early stage on your project will often deliver significant savings and avoid re-working of a solution.